by Kathy DiCenso | Jun 21, 2018 | Financial, insurance
Medical tourism used to be all about cosmetic procedures — hiding the occasional face-lift or tummy tuck from prying eyes back home. But today, the rising number of underinsured or budget-conscious patients has made going abroad for medical care much more prevalent.
by Kathy DiCenso | Jun 5, 2018 | Financial
As older friends and relatives increasingly need our help, it’s not always possible for us to move back to personally oversee their care.
by Kathy DiCenso | May 29, 2018 | Financial
Divorce is an inherently stressful process. To alleviate some of the stress, it’s important to be proactive and in control. Here are the “Lucky Seven” things you can do to help prepare yourself for your post-divorce financial future.
by Kathy DiCenso | Feb 15, 2018 | Divorce Costs, divorce finance, Divorce Planning, Financial
Divorce is stressful and can sometimes lead to erratic financial behavior on the part of a spouse. It is therefore advisable for divorcing persons to take control of payments that affect their credit rating as soon as possible.